Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol performed by Bernadette Nason
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Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol performed by Bernadette Nason

Date: Dec 01, 2023
Time: 5:30 PM
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol performed by storyteller Bernadette Nason will be held in the Council Chambers in City Hall at 5:30 pm, followed by hot drinks and light refreshments in the Library.
Bernadette Nason is an acclaimed storyteller, actress and writer. Bernadette grew up in England and has traveled and lived in Africa, the Middle East and the US. She has been performing in the US since 1993. Bernadette is a touring artist on the Texas Commission on the Arts, roster. She tells stories annually to over 30,000 students of all ages. She's well known for her solo stage presentations. Program is for all ages. Free of charge.
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