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Does your family spend enough time outside? The odds are high the answer is no. More and more children are not getting as much time outdoors as they need, and the results are significant. Increased childhood obesity, anxiety, and other major health issues have all been linked to insufficient time outdoors. The term “Nature Deficit Disorder” has been coined to refer to these issues. Here are a few ways you can get your whole family to head outdoors and fall in love with nature:
Backyard Adventures
Outdoor Science Activities for Kids
40 Backyard and Camping Crafts for Kids
Install a Playground or Swing Set
20 Epic Outside Messy Play Ideas
15 Best Outdoor Games 2019
Veggie Gardens For Kids - Making A Children's Vegetable Garden
Exploring the Wider World
10 Ways to Turn the Local Park Into an Adventure Wonderland for Kids
Bird Watching for Kids - Learning about Birds
4 Tips When Mountain Biking With Your Child
Hiking with Kids - 9 Tips for a Successful & Fun Hike
Nature Scavenger Hunts for Kids
10 Tips for Teaching a Kid to Fish
100 Best Family Outdoor Adventures
There are tons of ways to enjoy the outdoor world, and you can explore them together as a family! Focus on fun, exciting activities you all can enjoy. By showing your kids the wonder the outdoors can bring, you can foster a lifelong love of nature.